I found a few more pics of February and decided that I needed to share them with you. The first is of me and my cast. Notice I am resting my foot on my infamous knee roller (I got a lot of unwanted attention everywhere we went thanks to this invention:-).
Then there is Whitney being her silly self. She SO fits the profile of the "baby" of the family. Always the clown and performer!
I also shared the pics of my sweet friend Sallee coming home with her cutie pie, Samson Jude, from Ethiopia. Many of you have seen my girls wear their "Poppy Dip" skirts/dresses. Sallee is the talented seamstress who made them to raise money to bring Samson home. Shortly after they brought home him, Sallee starting feeling really bad and it was discovered that she had ovarian cancer. She has already undergone a few surgeries to remove it and is awaiting the start of chemo. Please, Please, remember her in your prayers! She has her new little guy as well as 5 other kiddos at home. You can follow more of her journey here: http://itspoppydipblog.blogspot.com
Me and Whitney waiting to get me cast off! It was an exciting day at our house!!! |
Whitney being her funny self... |
My 3 girls plus two of the Pedicini girls waiting for little Samson Jude and his parents to get off the plane. |
Little Samson and his sweet Momma, Sallee, looking so cute after flying from the other side of the world! |
A few more faces playing and waiting for Samson's arrival. |
More kids being funny as we waited for the Couch family to arrive. Airport homecoming parties are the best :-) |
March is still coming!!! Stay tuned....