It has been a REALLY LONG TIME since I updated our blog. A few of my friends have asked given me a hard time about it! What have we been up to??? Well, I am going to attempt to catch up on the last few months over the next few days. After my surgery in January, the rest of the semester I just tried to keep everyone "above water." It has been a hard few months for me recovering from my foot surgery, but school is out and we are going to enjoy some lazier days this summer :-). This week we are on vacation at the beach and having a blast. My goal is to try to catch up my blog and have some beach pics on here by the end of the week.
Today is February.......
Above: February marked the 100th day of school and at our school the kindergartners dress up like they are 100 years old. Here is Jordan dressed as an old man with gray hair and all. Isn't he cute???
Below: This month was also the daddy daughter dance. The girls had fun dressing up and going on a special date: dinner at P.F. Changs and a dance at school. The fun part for me was shopping for their dresses on a knee roller since my foot was still in the cast at this point!

Below: Daddy makes Valentines special for his girls. He is teaching the boys of the house to treat their girls like princesses. Since their girls are their sisters for now we all got flowers and chocolate with a formal presentation. Too sweet!
Below: Me and the men of my life!!! As a side note...notice how dressed up I was for the special day :-)
Below: We always enjoy family coming to visit us from TX. In February we loved having cousins come! Whitney, Jaycee, and Kinlee had fun playing dress up and dolls. What a treat to have them with us for a few days :-).
Below: We had a big gathering at Abay, one of our favorite Ethiopian restaurants, with several other families from our local adoption fellowship group.
I am hoping to have March up by tomorrow or maybe even later today. I hope you are all enjoying the first week of summer :-)